Are you looking for the perfect vacation rental for your next holiday? Are you planning a dream vacation to Europe this Summer but don't know where to start? Connections Vacation Rentals takes the guess work out of choosing the perfect vacation rental for your trip. All the properties in our network have been personally vetted and meet our strict criteria for exceptional accommodations. Don't waste valuable time scouring through endless listings on travel websites that charge services fees for you to do all the work! Sit back and relax and let us do all the leg work so you can start packing your bags! Tell us where you want to go, and we'll make the connection! We curate bespoke travel packages for guests who want a unique experience and we can create a customized holiday to any destination in the world!
Check out some of the packages on offer today!
Connections Vacation Rentals offers a range of services to turn your vacation property into an income property. Our personal service is tailored to suit your needs. Our network will connect you to a guest you can trust. We also offer timeshare rentals for owners that want to sell unused timeshare travel points.
Choose the service that is right for you....
This is our standard service for vacation home owners. We provide the following services:
*Manage all inquiries and bookings for your property within the Connections network.
*Guarantee 24 hour turnaround booking inquiry response rate
*Manage all financials and provide monthly and end of year reporting.
*Provide feature placement on the Connections website and in our monthly email blast.
*Advertise your listing through social media networks and extension websites.
This service is for property owners who already manage their rental bookings but want to expand their reach to include our network of personal referrals. We will:
*Prepare and promote your listing on the Connections website, social media and Connections newsletter.
*Personally communicate with all potential guests to assess if they are the right fit for your property.
*Connect you, the property owner with interested renters who meet the criteria of our network.
*Follow up with guests after their stay to obtain customer feedback.
This service is for Timeshare property owners who want to sell off their unused timeshare travel points. We will:
*Work with you to create a desirable vacation rental package based on the points that you wish to allocate.
*Prepare and promote your listing on the Connections website, social media and Connections newsletter.
*Manage transaction with guest including rental agreements and payment
*Follow up with guests after their stay to obtain customer feedback.
Click here to see current timeshare offerings available
*** Please contact us for rates on each of these services